
July 2024 Dare2Dialogue™ — Topic Coming Soon!

June 4, 2024

Join us on July 31st  at 7pm for Dare2Dialogue: a forum for deep discussion on serious issues.  

People don’t talk to each other anymore.  We live in a world of sound bites and opinions.  People don’t sit down and discuss things in depth anymore. What if there was a place to dig deeper into the issues we face today?  At the Saint John Leadership Institute, we are offering that opportunity.  So, we invite you to attend this dialogue if you dare!

Our topic this month is: coming soon!

Details coming soon about this month’s topic. 

Patty McKernan will moderate this discussion. Each panelist will share their perspective/story, then there will be 20 minutes of dialogue between the panelists and moderator, 30 minutes for audience Q&A, and 30 minutes of fellowship and refreshments at the end.  

Brought to you by the Saint John Leadership Institute. 4775 S. Pearl Street, Englewood CO


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