
Coached by Paul the Apostle: Audiobook

Also available on your favorite audiobook retail app, like Audible, Apple Books, Google Books, and Barnes & Noble!

Author Father Nathan Cromly narrates his debut book about the dramatic transformation in the life of St. Paul.

Download the .m4b audio here.

Audiobook Download Instructions – iPhone with Mac Computers

  1. On your desktop computer, download “Coached by Paul the Apostle”.m4b file.
  2. Connect your iPhone to your computer using the appropriate cable.
  3. Find the “Coached by Paul the Apostle” .m4b file in your Downloads folder.
  4. Double-click the .m4b file to open it in the “Books” desktop app.
  5. Open “Finder.”
  6. On the left side of the “Finder” window, under “Locations” click on your phone icon.
  7. Click on “Audiobooks” from the menu.
  8. Make sure the “Sync audiobooks…” box is checked.
  9. Click on the “Sync” button in the bottom right corner of the window.
  10. On your iPhone, open the “Books” app.
  11. “Coached by Paul” will appear in your “Library” under “Audiobooks.”

Audiobook Download Instructions – All other phones

  1. Download the “Coached by Paul the Apostle” .m4b file to your phone.
  2. You can choose a .m4b player app like BookPlayer, SmartBook, MP3 Books, or your preferred app.
  3. Import the “Coached by Paul the Apostle” .m4b file into the app following its instructions.


SKU: SJI-03 Category:


Author : Father Nathan Cromly

About the Author

Fr. Nathan Cromly is the founder of the St. John Institute and the podcast Dare Great Things for Christ. He is a speaker, writer, and educator whose retreats, workshops, and seminars have touched the lives of thousands of people nationwide. Originally from Toledo, Ohio, he is currently living out his priestly ministry in Denver, Colorado.
Father Nathan